Guest Studs
GRHRCH, 4xGMPR, SPOT-ON Cooperstown's Splendid Splinter of Blazing Red MH, CGCA, CGCU APLA Hall-of-Fame

From Teddy's Owner @ Coopertown Kennels:
Teddy is a guest stud we have used a few times. He is owned by Justin VanDeHey at Cooperstown Kennels. We highly recommend using Teddy as a stud dog.
Teddy is 1 of only 5 dogs on earth that is a Grand Master Pointing Retriever (GMPR) with the APLA, a Master Hunter (MH) with the AKC and a Grand Hunting Retriever Champion (GRHRCH) with the HRC! He qualified for the 2023 APLA Triple Crown.
Teddy is truly a once in two lifetime's dog. He is the man. He is an absolute sweetheart to everyone and an absolute nightmare for birds! Teddy weighs 63-65 lbs and has a big, blocky head and a big chest. He's a phenomenal marker, the best I have ever trained and that is saying something. Ted has a great demeanor; very relaxed, yet very curious, just independent enough, yet very friendly. He loves to sit in the recliner with me, and he loves our daughters and anyone who will scratch or rub his belly. He is a favorite at the Vet clinic! Yet when you take him in the field to hunt or get to the line for a hunt test or training he is all business. Teddy has also turned into an absolute beast of a wild bird hunter. Steady as a rock in the duck blind, and a bird finding, pointing and retrieving machine in the upland field. When Teddy was younger he spent time training and competing with Carolyn at Blazing Red Kennels including earning his HRC Grand Title. Carolyn absolutely loves Teddy and keeps offering to "take him off my hands." Teddy's hunt test career boasts a pass rate of >80% including the HRC Grand with Teddy competing and earning titles with the APLA, HRC and AKC. Teddy's hunt test accomplishments include going 9/13 in the APLA to earn his CPR, MPR, GMPR and up to his 4xGMPR titles. He passed 6/9 in AKC Master Hunter tests for his Master Hunter (MH) title. In the HRC Teddy earned his SHR, HR, HRCH, GRHRCH and is in the honorable 500 point club. I believe he has now passed 39/45 (I think; sometimes I lose count) finished tests. Teddy passed the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 HRC International Grand Hunt Tests to earn his Grand Hunting Retriever Champion (GRHRCH) title. The Grand is the toughest hunt test on earth to pass with an average of about 20-25% of dogs (must be a HRCH to enter) passing each time. Teddy now has 715 HRC championship points. Our remaining hunt test goals for Teddy are to earn 1,000 HRC Points and to get his certified therapy dog license. As good as his retriever skills are Teddy also really excels is in the upland field. Man does this dog point! Teddy has been pointing birds in the upland since we picked him up at 11 weeks of age (see the links to videos below) and he is really producing natural point in his pups! Teddy is 3/4 American Field lines (goes back to Lean Mac and Creekside's Hey Paco) and 1/4 English field lines. His sire, Flame, is one of the most highly titled pointing labs on the planet (QAA, MH, MNH, UH, GMPR, GRHRCH (5). Teddy's dam, Sugar, is no slouch either. The product of two GRHRCH dogs, Sugar has her HRCH and UH titles with the HRC. Teddy certainly brings some new blood into the pointing lab world and we are very excited about his future. Watch for Teddy at a hunt test near you soon. Teddy has perfect health clearances, good looks, an amazing "on-off switch", a great personality. He really is the complete package!
​Puppies from Teddy's first few litters are now coming of age and turning out amazing. Many are now starting to compete in hunt tests with lots of success. His pups are very talented with a great natural point, strong retriever skills, good looks, and awesome personalities.
Titled Pups from Teddy:
HR APR Cooperstown's Ignitor (Molly)
SHR CPR Kesha Sky of Ash River (Kesha)
​SHR Cedar Ridge's Red Skin Indian Chief JH (Chief) - 1/1 in HRC Seasoned also
SHR Xcelpickedawinner JH (Champ)
SHR Zenner’s Etringer’s Northern Light (North)
AKC: SR82517309
UKC: R246-518
HRC Championship Points: 685 (honorable 500 point club)
OFA Hips: LR-222346E27M-VPI (Excellent)
OFA Elbows: LR-EL74251M27-VPI (Normal)
OFA Eyes: Clear (LR-EYE7199/61M-VPI)
EIC: Clear (U of MN #D14-029899-1)
CNM: Clear (Parentage)
PRA: Clear/Normal (PawPrint Genetics Dog #12247)
RD/OSD: Clear/Normal (Paw Print Genetics Dog #12247)
SD2: Clear/Normal (PawPrint Genetics Dog #12247)
Dilute gene: D/D - non-dilute (PawPrint Genetics Dog #12247)
​Pedigree: ​https://huntinglabpedigree.com/pedigree.asp?id=96407
BDC SMx2 GMPR HRCH The BLAST'S Red Ryder MH "Cowboy"
From Mike V. of The Blast Wingshooting and Kennels:
Always having a vision for the future of my breeding program, came the idea of owning a second Fox Red stud that could be the counterpart to our very own nationally established stud dog Journey.
As luck would have it, I found what I was looking for almost immediately beginning my search. It was like it was meant to me. I arranged to have the new pup brought to Wisconsin with the name I had been holding onto for a long time, Cowboy! The moment I met him I could tell there was something different about him! He was such an inquisitive pup with a charming personality. All Cowboy wanted to do was look you in the eyes and be with you as much as possible. He would prance around the house so confidently as if he owned the place.
As the training began, I noticed that training Cowboy would be different from other dogs I've trained in the past. His high intelligence and training attitude made teaching him rather easy. Show him something clearly and he would absorb it almost immediately. Making using pressure almost non-existent at times. From a puppy on he seemed to just have such a natural ability about him that made training him pure joy.
Once Cowboy graduated from our Puppy Program and I moved on to more formal training I could see right away I had my next up and coming stud!
I started training Cowboy at the age of 4 months on basic concepts that set him up for his formal training. The fact that he was my personal dog, allowed me to push him harder than most dogs. During this time in the training process is when I found out he truly had what it takes to be our new stud dog. On a whim, at 9 months old I entered Cowboy in an AKC Senior Hunt Test as our summer hunt test season was coming to an end. Not only did Cowboy pass but he “lined” the water blind. I still remember one judge saying, “well, I think you got something pretty special here”.
That fall would be the grand opening of our new hunt club THE RUSH OF THE FLUSH. It was time to get more serious about Cowboy’s upland training as his waterfowl/hunt test training was way advanced for his age. Cowboy needed to learn how to be a guide dog at the club and start learning the game of playing Upland Bird Dog Tournaments. Starting to teach him how to play tournaments is when I learned Cowboy had a trait that I had been dreaming about for a long time! As Cowboy came into the scent cone of the first bird he slammed the most gorgeous “point” you’d ever see. I looked at my brother in law who was helping me train and said, “NO WAY”. His pedigree has one line of pointing labs could he possibly be my stud that finally has that trait. He proceeded to do the same on the next three birds and the rest is history!
The spring of 2018 would find Cowboy at 18 months old being entered in his first BDC Upland National Championships Puppy Division. He marched down the field pointing every bird till I commanded him to flush them and won his bracket earning him a spot in the finals. That same event I entered him in the Open Division (Top Gun) and he made it to the semi-finals being the youngest dog entered.
That summer he entered the hunt season at 19 months old. By 22 months old Cowboy had earned his HRCH passing 7 tests, as well as his AKC Master Title passing 6 tests in one summer. 13 Tests in 10 weeks! Cowboy impressed judges and fans alone with his statue-like line manners and his ability to dissect a test with such accuracy. Comments would remain the same about Cowboy, “Your red boy is so calm, collected, and smooth every time I see you take him to the line.” Many of the HRC judges would comment, “That’s a “Grand Dog” all day long. Meaning he was a dog that could pass the HRC Grand. The best part about campaigning Cowboy is that I rarely had to worry about what dog I would get when he came out of the box. Cowboy was the same every series you pulled him out! Making it a pure joy to walk to the line with him!
In the interim of Cowboy earning his hunt test titles, I entered him in the BDC Top Gun Upland Championships. Cowboy won the Doubles Championship earning his BDC Title of BDC Upland Super Major Winner (BDC SM) as well as placed 3rd in the Puppy Division. One week later Cowboy earned his final Finished pass to get his HRCH title in HRC. This proved how collected and intelligent Cowboy is jumping venues in one week's time. A task that most dogs would not be able to handle! However, Cowboy’s intelligence isn’t like most dogs as he had earned 3 titles in 3 different venues in a span of 12 weeks at the young age of 22 months old. Most recently Cowboy earned a third-place finish at the 2019 BDC Upland World Championships.
The fourth title to Cowboy’s resume was added to him for his APLA GMPR title the summer of 2020.
Taking cowboy hunting is where you truly get to see his skills come alive! He is so statue-like when geese and ducks are approaching the spread. He sits intensely and is aware of everything that is going on making marking multiple retrieves rather easy for him. Hunting with Cowboy is so enjoyable as every time you jump up and shoot you never have to worry about him, he will be sitting right where I put him ready to be sent! One of Cowboy’s great attributes is his ability to mark really long crippled birds. If he sees it go down, he will get it. I have seen him mark birds well over 300 yds that fell out of the sky crippled. Send him out there and no bird has a chance with his marking accuracy and nose that will find the bird every time. Send him on the blind retrieve and he will cast super accurately to exactly where you need him to be then use his great sense of smell to dig the bird out. He is a joy to waterfowl hunt as he seems to just be a calculating machine.
Throw on your vest, grab your gun and all you can do is admire Cowboy’s extreme athleticism in the upland field! He has a crazy amount of drive to bring birds to the gun. Running with a head-high style and a weaving-type quartering pattern makes him a joy to watch in the field. Once he hits the scent cone his body lowers down and he goes into the most gorgeous point you’d ever see! Making him one of the favorite guide dogs at our hunt club. The longer Cowboy is on the ground the stronger he’ll get. Once he finds that second gear he can hunt all day!
Take one look at Cowboy and all you can do is admire his 63 lb. ripped athletic build! His pictures hold him true. He constantly gets the same compliments when people meet him, “Man is he ripped”. He has a long statue-like body, a beautiful short-haired red coat, and eyes that will make you fall in love with him almost immediately. Look at him while he’s standing and it’s almost like you are looking at a ripped racehorse rather than a Lab. His pedigree is amongst the top fox reds in the country with a special pointing lab line that brings out his superior sense of smell and hard staunch point.
View his age, pedigree, and health clearances
Cowboy is the most genetically clear stud you could ever breed to! He has OFA Excellent Hips, Normal Elbows, CERF Normal, PRA Normal, EIC/CNM clear by testing, as well as clear Paw Print Genetics Panel.
All you have to do is meet Cowboy one time and you will fall in love with him. He is calm and collected and will give you all the affection you need. He is great around young kids and a great playmate with other dogs.
4xGMPR TC GRHRCH HRK's Big Bad VooDoo Daddy MH QA2, 6th Place SRS opener

SIRE: GRHRCH Revitt Up's Power Surge MH MNR
DAM: 4xGMPR OGF Clara Allen MH QA2
DOB: 01/28/2020
EIC: Normal/Clear
CNM: Normal/Clear
Prcd/PRA: Normal/Clear
RD/OSD: Normal/Clear
SD2: Normal/Clear
HNP: Normal/Clear
CMS: Normal/Clear
MCD: Normal/Clear
STGD: Normal/Clear
D LOCUS: Non-Dilute
OWNED BY: Dale and Kelly Swiderski
APLA APR Title 05/16/2021 (15 months of age)
APLA MPR Title 05/28/2021 (16 months of age)
APLA GMPR Title 05/29/2021 (16 months of age)
AKC Master Pass 07/25/2021 (17 months of age)
HRC HR Title 08/21/2021 (18 months of age)
AKC Master Pass 08/28/2021 (19 months of age)
APLA 2xGMPR Title 09/05/2021 (19 months of age)
HRC HRCH Title 09/19/2021 (19 months of age)
APLA 3xGMPR Title 09/26/2021 (19 months of age)
APLA 4xGMPR Title 10/03/2021 (20 months of age)
AKC Master Title 08/27/2022 (2.5 years of age)